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PUC Minas | Mei a Mei

Featured Project PUC Minas Software Development JavaScript MongoDB React.js React Native
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Featured Project - Second Year

First Semester of 2024

A mobile app and web system designed to assist entrepreneurs under the MEI tax regime in managing their revenue and staying within the legal limits. The goal is to create alerts that notify the entrepreneur when they are nearing the category’s revenue limit. Also, the system provides a way to manage the entrepreneur’s expenses and revenue, generating reports and graphs to help them understand their financial situation.


Promotional Video (in Portuguese)

Technologies: C#, .NET, ASP.NET Core, React.js, React Native, MongoDB, MongoDB Atlas, MongoDB Compass, RESTful API, Swagger, Postman, Visual Studio 2022, VSCode, Rider, Figma, Trello, Git, Github, NUnit, XUnit

It is hosted on a free Azure server, so it may take a while to start up.

Web System

Mobile App

You can find more information about the project in the GitHub Repository.