Personal Projects #
List of the best Free and Open Source Software alternatives
Post-installation script for the Pop!_OS (22.04) distribution, based on Ubuntu. The script contains internet verification and whether wget is installed on the device. Also, install apt, flatpak and deb packages; updates repositories, performs system cleanup and add custom alias
Update and upgrade scripts for daily use
[Tutorial] Trying to solve the problem where the Zotero plugin doesn’t work properly in the Linux LibreOffice Writer
Text to Speech - Aplicação em Next.js que transforma texto em voz usando a API da ElevenLabs
PUC Minas #
These are projects developed during the Systems Analysis and Development course at PUC Minas. Each semester, students are challenged to develop a group project that addresses the knowledge acquired in each semester. This practical approach is a way to consolidate learning and prepare students for the job market. With this, students have the opportunity to develop real projects, with defined deadlines and deliveries, in addition to working in a team and learning to deal with challenges.
“Mei a Mei” #
First Semester of 2024
App para auxiliar os empresários que estão no regime de tributação MEI a controlar seu faturamento e não extrapolar os limites estabelecidos em Lei. Para isso, o objetivos é criar alertas que mostre ao empresário que ele está próximo em ultrapassar o limite de faturamento da categoria.
Technologies: C#, .NET, ASP.NET Core, React.js, React Native, MongoDB, MongoDB Atlas, MongoDB Compass, RESTful API, Swagger, Postman, Visual Studio 2022, VSCode, Rider, Figma, Trello, Git, Github, NUnit, XUnit
TaskBook #
Second Semester of 2023
Aplicativo de tarefas pré determinadas e agrupadas por projeto, que possa ser usado pelos gestores e funcionários com a finalidade de gerar relatórios de tempo desprendido em cada tarefa.
Technologies: React Native, Expo, JavaScript, VSCode, SQLite, REST, JSON Server, MySQL
University Discount #
First Semester of 2023
Facilitar e encurtar o caminho entre estudantes e descontos/ofertas concedidas a eles por empresas de diferentes setores.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Tailwind, Sass, JavaScript, C#, ASP.NET Core (MVC), UML, VSCode, Visual Studio 2022, MySQL, MySQL Workbench, DBeaver, Figma
Pubs and Restaurants #
Second Semester of 2022
(2022.2) Projeto Eixo 1 - Web Front-end - Turma 9 - ADS/PUC-Minas
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, MarvelApp, Trello e VSCode