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Zotero + LibreOffice Integration (Linux/Ubuntu)

Foss Zotero Libreoffice Linux Ubuntu Troubleshooting Plugin
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Trying to solve the problem where the Zotero plugin doesn’t work properly in the Linux LibreOffice Writer:

Zotero + LibreOffice (Linux/Ubuntu based distros) - Credits to Kameid


1. Uninstall Zotero

2. Make sure you have a Java Runtime Environment installed.

In LibreOffice, go to Tools>Options>Advanced. Make sure you have the “Use Java runtime environment” box checked, and if there is a JRE installed. If there isn’t one, open terminal and install the latest JRE:

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre


3. Check if your installation worked. Run:

java -version



4. Restart LibreOffice

5. install libreoffice-java-common:

sudo apt install libreoffice-java-common

6. Install Zotero

It should work fine now


Credits to Kameid

Zotero’s post about the troubleshooting process for the word processor plugin.

Bonus in case it didn’t work

  1. Navigate to the Zotero application files:
  • Go to the directory where Zotero is installed and open extensions/ (Zotero 6) or integration/libreoffice (Zotero 7)

    • For Flatpak: ~/.local/share/flatpak/app/org.zotero.Zotero/x86_64/stable/.../files/share/zotero/extensions/
  • Or search for Zotero_OpenOffice_Integration.oxt on your file manager (Nautilus, Dolphin…)


  1. Double-click the Zotero_OpenOffice_Integration.oxt file to install it. Alternatively, go to Tools → Extension Manager in LibreOffice, click Add, and select the .oxt from the above folder.

Zotero’s post